Thursday, September 26, 2013

Satan's Dollar Store

Satan is the owner of a special kind of “Dollar Store,” filled with all kinds of unnecessary plastic objects and worthless trinkets and trappings. His advertising claims he offers great values and incredible experiences at bargain prices – he is under no compunction to tell the truth, so he simply lies about the true cost to us – yet we believe him. Our first mistake is walking into his “store.” Perhaps it is curiosity; perhaps it is our fleshly, worldly desire; perhaps it is lies we already believe. He doesn’t care why we come – he only cares that we are there for him to influence, and that we bring our greatest prize, the “jewel” of our God-given nature, which we willingly trade for Satan’s wares.

Imagine taking a beautiful, priceless, one-of-a-kind jewel, like a flawless diamond, and using that gem to buy cheap garbage at the dollar store. You would never consider doing such a thing!!! Would you?

Actually, you may be doing the equivalent right now. Without realizing the value of what God has given you (the treasure of who you are), you may be trading it in to the enemy in exchange for a few cheap thrills, momentary pleasure, the acceptance or approval of others, and things which are of no benefit or gain in the long run. You may be cluttering up your “house” (heart) with a whole load of dollar store fluff – while you are ignoring the presence and love of Jesus. For once you enter Satan’s “store” of darkness, you quickly lose sight of what really matters. You can no longer see (in that darkness) the true worth of what you are being shown. He entices you with cheap, fake costume jewelry – and you have so devalued your own precious gem within you that you willingly trade it in for the glitter and glitz of Satan’s offerings.

Our last and fatal mistake is buying into Satan’s contention that what he offers us is good for us in some way, instead of resulting in our destruction. So not only does he entice us with worthless nothings, he conceals some type of slow-acting poison within the trinkets we have bought – almost like they are radioactive, and we slowly over time die in our spirits.

Consider the cost. Remember the value of God’s wonderful gift to you. Because there has never been before, and there never will be again, another YOU. Nothing that Satan has to offer is worth that price.

44 “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:44-46.

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